速報APP / 生活品味 / Kingdom Connect.

Kingdom Connect.


檔案大小:59 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 俄文, 加泰羅尼亞文, 匈牙利文, 印尼文, 土耳其文, 巴克摩文挪威文, 希伯來文, 希臘文, 德語, 捷克文, 斯洛伐克文, 日語, 法文, 波蘭文, 瑞典文, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 羅馬尼亞文, 義大利文, 芬蘭文, 英語, 荷蘭文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文, 阿拉伯文, 韓語

Kingdom Connect.(圖1)-速報App

Full Gospel Kingdom Church is a progressive church. Here, we preach, teach and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the biblical principles that God designed for those in His kingdom to live by. These teachings enable the believer to be more effective in the world today.

Kingdom Connect.(圖2)-速報App

Bishop Hawkins has faithfully led the Full Gospel Kingdom Church in becoming a leading church in Hampton Roads (Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach). Operating under the life-long theme of "Excellence in All We Do," the church is known for its administration, organization, and effective representation of the Kingdom of God.

Kingdom Connect.(圖3)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad